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2022 World Malaria Report published by WHO

Each year, WHO’s World malaria report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of trends in malaria control and elimination across the globe. It tracks investments in malaria programmes and research as well as progress across all intervention areas: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, elimination and surveillance. The 2022 report is based on information received from 84 malaria-endemic countries in all WHO regions.
This year’s report includes 3 new sections on Global and regional initiatives launched in 2021 and 2022; Global malaria surveillance and country-level case studies; and Research and development.
The report highlights ongoing threats to the fight against malaria, with a focus on the declining effectiveness of insecticide-treated mosquito nets. However, scientific innovation and manufacturing capability building in Africa can help to get back on track with the 2030 SDG targets.
Download the 2022 World Malaria Report.