WHO Guideline for the prequalification assessment of insecticide-treated nets

The Prequalification team/Vector control products at the WHO announced on Friday 12th December the publication of the WHO Guideline for prequalification assessment of insecticide-treated nets as a final draft. Although this draft is still undergoing the WHO clearance process and further supporting documents are in preparation for consultation with stakeholders in 2024, this document marks a major milestone.  These updated guidelines are the culmination of a comprehensive consultative process and incorporates insight from manufacturers, procurers and the research community. Updated guidance will provide greater clarity on the process and detailed support on the preparation of product dossiers.

The new guideline and 44 implementation guidance (IG) documents can be accessed here: WHO Guideline for the prequalification assessment of insecticide-treated nets.  The published IGs include guidance on methods, study design, reporting of results, presentation of product formulation/manufacturing process and compilation of product dossiers.

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