Mark Hoppe

Mark Hoppé is a Public Health entomologist with 30 years’ experience of research, development and advocacy in agricultural and public health insect control. He is currently involved in the development of novel solutions for the control of insects of public health importance, working for Syngenta in Switzerland. Mark studied Crop Protection at Bath University, and holds an MBA in technology management. He is also the chair of the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee’s (IRAC) Public Health team, co-chairs the Roll Back Malaria VCWG’s Integrated Vector Management (IVM) and Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) workstream, and is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society.

Launch of the Vector Control Professional Placement Programme

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Global Conference on Innovative Malaria Vector Control Technologies and Global Health Markets 2024

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Launch of the I2I Methods Landscape

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