Hilary Ranson

Professor Hilary Ranson is a vector biologist whose research focuses on the control of mosquito borne disease, particularly on the use of insecticides in public health. She has led several international consortia to develop and evaluate new approaches for malaria control and currently leads a major interdisciplinary programme to increase the impact of vector control in sub Saharan Africa by filling capacity gaps, strengthening linkages between research and policy, and integrating approaches to target multiple vector borne diseases.

Professor Ranson is a member of the Vector Control Advisory Group and provides additional ad hoc technical support to WHO. She works closely with industry partners and has established a testing service at LSTM to evaluate potential new vector control tools against a range of characterized mosquito populations from the field.

Launch of the Vector Control Professional Placement Programme

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Global Conference on Innovative Malaria Vector Control Technologies and Global Health Markets 2024

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Launch of the I2I Methods Landscape

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