Giorgio Praulins

Giorgio is a Research Assistant working for I2I and also the Hilary Ranson Group. Their focus is on method development and optimisation for new and existing vector control tools. They began their career graduating from Liverpool University in 2015 with a BSc (Hons) Tropical Disease Biology. They then went on to complete an MSc in Molecular Biology of Parasites and Disease Vectors at LSTM. Since completing their MSc they have continued to undertake scientific research in the field of vector biology at LSTM. Through this they have helped contribute to numerous research projects and publications looking at developing new methodologies for novel and repurposed chemistries in vector control. They also help run the LSTM Vector Biology Department twitter account (@LSTMVector) and is a leading member of the LGBTQ+ committee where they serves as their representative on the school wide Equality Diversity and Inclusion committee.

Launch of the Vector Control Professional Placement Programme

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Global Conference on Innovative Malaria Vector Control Technologies and Global Health Markets 2024

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Launch of the I2I Methods Landscape

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