Abraham Mnzava

Abraham Mnzava is a renowned malaria expert with a focus on policy and prevention and control. He retired from the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Malaria Programme in July 2016 as the Coordinator, Malaria Vector Control. Prior to this position, he also worked in two of the six Regional offices of the WHO (WHO/AFRO and WHO/EMRO) – advising countries on the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases.

Abraham is currently working for the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), and part of his role includes supporting and strengthening national and regional regulatory systems to enhance the introduction of new tools and products for vector control. He also supports ALMA in its role on local production of pharmaceuticals and vector control commodities in Africa.

Abraham keenly understands the challenges that countries face in terms of eliminating vector-borne diseases and has demonstrated his personal commitment to working with them to address their needs. He is also keenly aware of the challenges of registering new vector control tools, especially on the African continent, and is therefore passionate in supporting countries in this area. He firmly believes that unless addressed, these challenges will ultimately sabotage all efforts to control and eliminate vector-borne diseases globally.

Launch of the Vector Control Professional Placement Programme

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Global Conference on Innovative Malaria Vector Control Technologies and Global Health Markets 2024

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Launch of the I2I Methods Landscape

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